Atlantic hurricane season, which is from June 1st to November 30th, is a period of time where hurricanes are most likely to form in the Atlantic Ocean. However, hurricane activity can also occur before or after these dates. In the event of a hurricane, thorough preparation can be lifesaving for you and/or your family. Pets should be accounted for as well when developing and implementing a hurricane preparedness plan. The American Red Cross states that “If it’s not safe for you to stay in your home during an emergency, it’s not safe for them either!”.

Here are some tips to keep your pet safe in the event of a forecasted hurricane or other natural disaster:


  • Have a plan for evacuating your pet.
    In the case of an evacuation, it is important to know what places allow pets. This may include hotels, shelters, or other temporary accommodations. In addition, it may be helpful to talk with family members, friends, or neighbors for additional help in the evacuation process. By developing a list of options, you will be more prepared in the event of an emergency.
  • Make sure to use identification.
    Common forms of identification for a pet include collars, tags, and microchips. Make sure your phone number and any additional information stays up to date so that you can be contacted in case you lose your pet during the storm or evacuation. Some may also consider a tracking collar or device.
  • Put together an emergency kit for your pet.
    This should include water, food, any medications, a first aid kit, any sanitation materials, and any important documents associated with your pet. A carrier and leash may also be helpful during evacuation so that your pets can be more safely transported. Make sure that the food and medications are not expired when preparing for a storm.
  • Contact your local emergency management organization for more information and resources pertaining to your area.
    If you are not sure of how to prepare your pet for a hurricane or other natural disaster, it may be helpful to reach out to a local organization to get more information specific to your pet or area.